Monday, April 21, 2014

Do it – 2014 resolution check

So four months into 2014, I am guessing many of you have given up on your New Year’s resolutions to eat better and/or exercise more, yes? The most popular resolution made on NYE is to lose weight, but most people give up after a couple weeks or months. Side note: You may also be one of the lucky models that I used to work with, who have no idea what I am talking about, because you are just naturally ridiculous…if yes- high five, but these tips are even good for you! At the end of the day, you motivation should be about living a healthy lifestyle- not a diet, but a complete lifestyle change.

I am one of those people who is borderline health-obsessive at times, I still love my ice cream and cookie dough (or the two combined for a magical combination), but I do eat healthy and exercise frequently. Because this is my passion, I am often asked by friends or family for easy tips that contribute towards a healthy lifestyle. There are so many simple things you can do to make significant changes for your health, so I came up with a top seven list.

1. Cut out sugary drinks.

I am a huge coffee and smoothie fan, however, most beverages are packed with a surprising amount sugar and calories and just because it is labeled ‘smoothie’- does NOT mean it is healthy. Cut out alcohol and pop/soda/coke (whatever the kids are saying these days) completely if you can, it just isn’t worth it. If you want to splurge every now and then- let it be a treat, not the norm.

2. Drink more water.

I carry a 1.5 liter bottle of water with me all the time. I read somewhere that Victoria’s Secret models drink a gallon a day! Water keeps you fuller, helps with your metabolism and is calorie-free.

3. Take the stairs. Always.

Forget about elevators completely. I once lived in New York City on the 22 floor and took the stairs everyday (multiple times a day…in heels!) for a month straight. Canada does this interesting program with business called Stairway to Health that encourages entire companies to abandon the elevator, try to get your work involved too! Every little bit helps.

4. Exercise. Just do it.

I am often given a hard time because I go to bed early, so I can go to the gym before work. Here’s the thing, ‘I have no time’ is just not an excuse, you can always get up earlier. Most gyms have daycare centers and though 5 a.m. is painful- your workout can be done an over with before you are even awake enough to think. Find a gym that makes it worth getting up, I have a cardio theatre at my gym and watch movies while I shed calories OR get outside, ride a bike, go for a walk, climb a mountain, go surfing, just move!

5. Portions.

As Americans, we are known around the world for our crazy portion sizes. Start measuring out your food and pay attention to how much of it you are eating. Load up most of your plate with veggies or salad and keep the carbs to a minimum.

6. Switch to whole grains.

If you must eat bread (WHY is it SO good), then get whole grain or whole wheat, if it simply says ‘wheat’ it doesn’t count. Keep this as a rule for most of your carbs, pasta, tortillas, even crackers. There are numerous reasons to leave the refined grains behind, hop on over to Google.

7. Become educated.

Start reading labels of everything you buy, just because it is marketed as healthy…does not make it healthy. Reduced-Fat could just mean ‘extra sugar’ and sugar-free could mean ‘shady chemicals have been added’. You may also be surprised at just how many calories/grams of sugar are lurking in some of your favorite treats.

Okay, those are my lucky seven. I will post a couple recipes and tips to help along the way, but these are the best starting points that I try to live by. Again, I like a good, sprinkled cupcake as much as the next girl, but you will enjoy it a lot more after working out five days a week and eating super healthy 80% of the time!

(Also, I may or may not have eaten a cinnamon crunch bagel as I wrote this)#fail

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

live it - I recommend...

I can't live in the Music City without posting about music every now and is what I am currently listening to (other than worship music <-keeping me going) some new, some old, but all good.

(normally not a fan of covers...but this is so good!)
(I have been obsessed with this song (/anything St. Lucia) since it came out)
(or ANYTHING London Grammar)

Fun fact: I have more Bob Marley on my ipod than any other artist by far. He is just that good.

Friday, April 4, 2014

live it - new adventures

I know it has been a while since I have posted and I am amazed by all the people still checking in on here, I appreciate the support and I am sorry I have been MIA! I had one of those get-punched-in-the-face-by-life moments, but I am back (mostly) and I am so ready for a vacation, so that is what I will write about.

Working in the US these days, you are mostly deprived of taking real vacations, but I have done a good bit of exploring throughout my life and crave adventure! My favorite trip to this day, was not to an exotic island, not to Italy or the Alps (though all of those things are great!), it was a trip to the serene Lake District in the northern part of England. I have written a little about this trip before, but as I sit in Nashville wishing for a peaceful adventure- it is worth revisiting.

I had never been on a vacation by myself and I haven’t since, but it was the most incredible experience. It was partially the spontaneity of planning a trip the week before, at partially facing a fear of traveling completely on my own, that made this trip so memorable. Sometimes the fear of doing things on our own can stop us from a really cool adventure, where we can learn about ourselves and experience something completely different. My challenge to you (and to my-recently-single-self) is to face the world by yourself sometimes. Go to dinner on your own, explore a new city, or even take a week-long vacation in the Lake District, you won’t regret it!

“You are braver than you believe, smarter than you seem, and stronger than you think.”
-Winnie the Pooh


Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wear it - Fur and jeans at the office

I never liked how the fashion/retail world seemed to introduce summer clothes way too soon, especially because I grew up mostly in the North where it could snow until May. If we ignore winter, it still doesn't go away. I now live in the South and it is still below freezing! So how does one survive the I-have-already-worn-this-winter-outfit-a-million-times blues? Visit a thrift/vintage store and get a fur (or faux fur) coat to spice up your wardrobe.

I will admit, I did not even want to try this on, but once I did I fell in love. What other coat makes you feel like a hug from a bear at all times and super glamorous at the same time?...How magical!

You can get a fur coat fairly cheap and you can have it tailored to fit perfectly.

Pair a fur coat with jeans, heels and briefcase bag to make work-friendly ( mine was $3.50 from a thrift shop in Michigan- Copper amaze me every visit!) Casual Friday, office ready.

wear-it #becozy

Monday, February 17, 2014

Wear it - Classy winter layers

Every girl needs a classic peacoat and I absolutely love Jenna(my roommate)'s navy coat from J.Crew! Layer up with a striped shirt and a chunky knit cardigan for a nautical winter look.
High-waisted jeans, a belt and a really cute dog (that's my Millie!).
Brown boots with slouchy socks.
Soft natural curls pull this classic look together.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

live it - brunch

Single this Valentine's Day? Why not host a brunch for your friends this weekend instead of just YouTubing proposals and eating ice cream (as if I have ever done that)?

Last Saturday, my roommate, Jenna, and I had our friend, Sandra, over for brunch. I used my new waffle maker (thank you grandpa!), used a slightly healthier version of a waffle recipe (use applesauce instead of oil), my family's homemade maple syrup from Michigan, juice and clementines.

Details: Use a simple lace table cloth, a pretty centerpiece (fresh flowers would be even better!), pink rose napkins and use teacups instead of normal glasses. What a lovely, classy way to spend the morning.

Need a playlist to help pretend you are really having brunch on a terrace in the Tropics? Check out Songza's Tropical Beach playlist!

Enjoy! live-it #thebrittdiaries

Monday, February 10, 2014

Create it- diy Valentine's Day

Valentine's day is less than a week are a few easy gift ideas! These are things I have done for various holidays since we have been together, so these ideas can work for anniversaries or birthdays too.

Customized Coffee Tumbler:

My boyfriend loves coffee, so I bought a coffee tumbler that you could customize. I bought different types of paper from the craft store and printed out pictures to create a personalized collage.
One Year Of Memories Book:

I glued 12 (one for each month of the year) envelopes together to make an accordion-style fold out book. I wrote down a memory from each month and added pictures from that on the outside of the envelope. This one is definitely a little more time consuming, but worth it.
Our Map:

I used pencil, markers and water colors to create a customized map. It actually took my boyfriend and I seven years to finally get together, so I focused on the path to get to each other, but this can be adjusted to your year together, to your engagement or when you first met.
Happy Valentine's Day!!!
