Working in the US these days, you are mostly deprived of taking real vacations, but I have done a good bit of exploring throughout my life and crave adventure! My favorite trip to this day, was not to an exotic island, not to Italy or the Alps (though all of those things are great!), it was a trip to the serene Lake District in the northern part of England. I have written a little about this trip before, but as I sit in Nashville wishing for a peaceful adventure- it is worth revisiting.
I had never been on a vacation by myself and I haven’t since, but it was the most incredible experience. It was partially the spontaneity of planning a trip the week before, at partially facing a fear of traveling completely on my own, that made this trip so memorable. Sometimes the fear of doing things on our own can stop us from a really cool adventure, where we can learn about ourselves and experience something completely different. My challenge to you (and to my-recently-single-self) is to face the world by yourself sometimes. Go to dinner on your own, explore a new city, or even take a week-long vacation in the Lake District, you won’t regret it!
“You are braver than you believe, smarter than you seem, and stronger than you think.”-Winnie the Pooh