This Independence Day was the most American I have ever had and one of my favorites, to be sure.
I always like to go over the top on holidays and this 4th of July was no exception. After spending many 4th's abroad, there is something incredible about being in the grand US of A, on the most patriotic day of the year.
I started off the afternoon laying at a refreshing pool with my roommate and some of her friends. Even our swimsuits were red, white & blue. After chillaxin' in the sunshine for a few hours, I had a sudden rebellious craving for a hot fudge shake (wouldn't be American without a sugary, over-sized beverage!). We jumped into a friend's Jeep Wrangler (most American vehicle ever and my next car...I hope...) and went downtown Nash to an old fashion soda shop. We stepped into the 1950s style diner, with our wind-blown-Jeep-hair and sat on the bright-red bar stools to order our shakes(I highly recommend Elliston Place Soda Shop- adorable).
After I drank my shake in record timing, I made my way to the next party to visit a sweet friend and meet tons of people I don't know. The best part of the party (other than seeing my friend!) was the table full of fake patriotic tattoos. I went for peace sign fingers and an American flag heart tattoo, I forgot about fake tattoos and they are awesome!
I quickly ran home for a wardrobe change, baked a batch of chocolate chip cookies (because American ladies have to show off their baking skills any chance we can), quickly Skyped with an English friend (he congratulated us on our separation from England), before my roommate and I dashed to our next party. In keeping with our American theme we road with windows down, listened to Shania Twain, sang at the top of our lungs, "Any man of mine..." (you know you've done that too).
We arrived at a cute, front yard gathering, just north of the city, complete with Christmas lights, lawn chairs, hotdogs and that Classic American Spotify playlist that seemed to be all of America's soundtrack for the weekend. After I treated myself to an All-American staple, a hotdog, and relaxed for a little bit, we made our way downtown minutes before the fireworks were about to start.
After we found a miracle of a parking space, we ran to an apartment building in the middle of downtown and took the elevator 20 floors up to the penthouse. The views from this place were absolutely incredible and I am sure it is the best view I will ever have of Nashville. We made it just in time to watch the nation's (second) best firework show and it was great! I stood out on the balcony after the fireworks had ended, the post-explosion smoke hovered over the city, a chilly wind threatened to blow us away, it didn't even seem real and was the perfect ending to an incredible, American summer day.
Happy Birthday America, you are awesome. XX
Showing posts with label daily-life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label daily-life. Show all posts
Monday, July 7, 2014
Monday, June 9, 2014
live it - bring on the rain
Maybe it is because I miss England sometimes, maybe it's because it is mostly sunny Tennessee (which is lovely), but I really like a good rainy day every now and then.
One of my favorite things, is to get caught in summer rain. Last weekend, I was at a park with my dog and a few friends, under a huge oak tree, when it started to pour down rain. We all huddled under the tree for a while and decided to give up and run to our cars (mine was a lucky 1/2 mile away). When it rains in the summer like that and like today, I would much rather be under a tree in a park somewhere- with the air at it purest and the grass at it's greenest, there is nothing more peaceful or relaxing.
To make the most of a rainy day (if you can't be outside), you have to have the right soundtrack, one that makes you think, relax, dwell on the sweet, little things of life and inspire creativity. If you are lucky enough to be sippin' on a cup of tea (or yummy vanilla latte), sitting in a comfy chair on an old covered porch somewhere where it is raining (or stuck at a desk, wishing that's where you were), here are 7 songs to complete the experience of a rainy day.
The instruments in this...
fyi America...despite what pop radio is telling you, this song is not even kind of new, but I do love this version!
You can't celebrate a rainy day without these guys and really any song by them will do:
...hmm and just as I posted got sunny! Forget all of those songs and bring on some Bob Marley, we'll be ready next time.
Thursday, May 29, 2014
live it - getaway
I have had a rough start to 2014 and never did I need a beach vacation more than I did this month! I was able to spend Memorial Day weekend in Florida for a girl's reunion weekend and it was SO lovely! I have known these girls since my freshmen year of college (...a very long time ago) and I haven't seen them in two years, this trip was overdue.
Coming from Washington D.C., Atlanta, Ft. Lauderdale(ish) and NASHVILLE :)we all met up in Panama City Beach, FL for our getaway adventure. Waking up at 3:30 a.m. to catch my flight (shout out to the best roommate who drove me to the airport at 4 a.m.!) was not fun, but it was definitely worth it. I was the last to arrive, so we went right from the airport to the beach and after our driver (cough- Kayla) nearly ran over a cyclist, we made it to the white sand and gorgeous blue water. I forgot how perfect Florida beaches are on a sunny day!
It was so awesome to spend time with these girls again. I am so thankful for the friendships that can pick right back up, even if you haven't been around each other in a while. There were four of us that met up and we really couldn't be more different from one another. Britt (the other one) is super beachy, has a natural chill/beach style I wish I could pull off, Kayla sports a sweet Alabama accent, loves football and never wears the same outfit twice (<-impressive!), Beach is a southern business lady with heels, pearls and monogrammed everything, super tan and always put together, then there is me- the only one who had vintage granny sandals instead of flip-flops at the beach and searched for weeks for a high waist bikini (not-so-awesome tan lines).
Even though we are so different and when we drove along the coast with windows down, blaring country music (ironic the one from Nashville doesn't really listen to country) it was very apparent, but we just get one another on a rare level. These are girls that I don't have to try around, they just get me. Maybe it is because all of us have lived together at one point, but there is not one question or topic we don't cover or ask, nothing is held back even to the most blunt of statements. The rawness, realness of our friendship is so refreshing and rare.
Nearly running over pedestrians, turning down movie requests, wasp stings, observing the amount of germs living on money, staying in sketchy hotel motel holiday inns, exploring small beach towns, singing songs about treading water like an egg beater, late night chats about past, present and future boys, running near-marathons in airports, can't wait for the next reunion.
Friday, April 25, 2014
live it - Easter escapade
As Easter approached this year, I wanted to do something different. I have attended church on Easter (and nearly every single Sunday) since I was born. I talked to my dad and he recommended I go hiking to celebrate this year. Just God, creation and Millie Mae Vanilli Lapham (my scruffy rescue dog).
At first, the idea of hiking on my own in America me a little nervous. I know this seems completely ridiculous, as I traveled on my own in Europe many times, but something about how spread out we are here in good old 'Merica, makes me a little nervous...all the more reason to overcome this fear and take the trip! After a couple recommendations of safer/more-traveled trails, I landed on the Fiery Gizzard trail in southern Tennessee. (Side note: Not advocating hiking on your own as girl, use your own judgement ladies!)
On a perfect, sunny Easter morning, I packed up my dog and drove an hour or two (<-may have been slightly lost) to the trail. My GPS told me to turn down roads that I was certain were not actual roads. I passed houses that seemed abandoned and a baseball stadium that looked to be out-of-use since 1970, but then I turned into a parking lot full of Jeep Wranglers, and I knew I was in the right place!
(may be a picture from a previous, non-solo, hiking adventure...but I was wearing nearly the same counts.)
The trail was the most beautiful trail I have ever been on. A cascading stream followed along the trail as I climbed over boulders, hopped along rocks and crossed bridges. The deep blue swimming holes and waterfalls were stunning and looked like they belonged in a Disney World boat tour.
Years ago, I read this book, Sacred Pathways: Discover Your Soul's Path to God, by Gary Thomas, and (turns out I have been misquoting it all these years thinking there were only 5) about the 9 'Sacred Pathways' to God (clearly time for me to read it again). Anyway, one of the strongest ways that I connect to God is through nature. With all of the craziness and uncertainty in my life right now, there was something so simple and powerful about not hearing anything around me, but creation.
Towards the end of my hike, I stepped out onto a huge rock in the center of a stream, water rushing on either side of me, cascading down the waterfall behind me and I just sat on this huge boulder. It was the perfect moment to be still and be thankful for everything Easter represents, forgiveness, redemption, new life, peace and hope.
Happy belated Easter!
the best part of it all...Millie slept the rest of the day!
Friday, April 4, 2014
live it - new adventures
I know it has been a while since I have posted and I am amazed by all the people still checking in on here, I appreciate the support and I am sorry I have been MIA! I had one of those get-punched-in-the-face-by-life moments, but I am back (mostly) and I am so ready for a vacation, so that is what I will write about.
Working in the US these days, you are mostly deprived of taking real vacations, but I have done a good bit of exploring throughout my life and crave adventure! My favorite trip to this day, was not to an exotic island, not to Italy or the Alps (though all of those things are great!), it was a trip to the serene Lake District in the northern part of England. I have written a little about this trip before, but as I sit in Nashville wishing for a peaceful adventure- it is worth revisiting.
I had never been on a vacation by myself and I haven’t since, but it was the most incredible experience. It was partially the spontaneity of planning a trip the week before, at partially facing a fear of traveling completely on my own, that made this trip so memorable. Sometimes the fear of doing things on our own can stop us from a really cool adventure, where we can learn about ourselves and experience something completely different. My challenge to you (and to my-recently-single-self) is to face the world by yourself sometimes. Go to dinner on your own, explore a new city, or even take a week-long vacation in the Lake District, you won’t regret it!

Working in the US these days, you are mostly deprived of taking real vacations, but I have done a good bit of exploring throughout my life and crave adventure! My favorite trip to this day, was not to an exotic island, not to Italy or the Alps (though all of those things are great!), it was a trip to the serene Lake District in the northern part of England. I have written a little about this trip before, but as I sit in Nashville wishing for a peaceful adventure- it is worth revisiting.
I had never been on a vacation by myself and I haven’t since, but it was the most incredible experience. It was partially the spontaneity of planning a trip the week before, at partially facing a fear of traveling completely on my own, that made this trip so memorable. Sometimes the fear of doing things on our own can stop us from a really cool adventure, where we can learn about ourselves and experience something completely different. My challenge to you (and to my-recently-single-self) is to face the world by yourself sometimes. Go to dinner on your own, explore a new city, or even take a week-long vacation in the Lake District, you won’t regret it!

“You are braver than you believe, smarter than you seem, and stronger than you think.”-Winnie the Pooh
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